Cynthia McKinney v Hank Johnson: Liveblogging the Runoff
Today I will be liveblogging election events during the day and tonight I will be at the Hank Johnson election party liveblogging the returns. Please check back here during the day for updates on this race. Please email me with any tips or news about today's runoff.
12:16AM - Time to call it a night. I couldn't be more pleased with the result. Big thanks go out to all who responded to all of my email to go out and vote for Hank Johnson today. Also, a big thanks to all the other blogs that linked here and for all the great readers and commenters.
11:35PM - Received an official comment from Hank's campaign staff: "The people have spoken!"
11:32PM - Just shook Hank's hand. What a genuinely nice and classy man!
11:20PM - 98% reporting now. Hank Johnson has 59% of the vote. This is such a large margin that there cannot be an silly excuses about Republicans crossing over or other such nonsense.
10:59PM - IT'S OVER!!! We are now up to 89% reporting: Hank Johnson (58.9%)/ Cynthia McKinney (41.1%)
10:47PM - I am going to predict thank Hank Johnson ends up with somewhere between 56% and 58% of the vote. Great victory!
10:34PM - Up to 66% reporting: Hank Johnson (58%)/ Cynthia McKinney (42%). I am calling this race now. HANK JOHNSON DEFEATS CYNTHIA MCKINNEY!
10:18PM - Now up to 51% reporting: Hank Johnson (58%)/ Cynthia McKinney (42%)
10:13PM - AJC is reporting computer problems with getting the votes in from DeKalb.
9:58PM - We are now up to 35% reporting and DeKalb precincts are finally in: Hank Johnson (61%)/ Cynthia McKinney (39%)
9:52PM - Folks, here is the big story so far. I did a bit of analysis in the precincts that have reported so far. In the primary a few weeks ago, Hank Johnson received 2,194 votes in Rockdale County. This time, with only three precincts outstanding, Hank has received 4,325 votes. That is amazing. This race is going to hinge on this amazing voter turnout!
9:41PM - 18% reporting. Still nothing from DeKalb.
9:38PM - Hank just came out and addressed the crowd. He said that we have a long night ahead of us. Agreed.
9:15PM - We are now at 13% reporting with the percentages still the same. However, looking at the county returns, the only precincts reporting so far have come from Gwinnett and Rockdale counties, which were expected to be won handily by Johnson. So we still have a long way to go until DeKalb County starts reporting some precincts.
8:53PM - We are starting to get a steady stream of people coming into the party here at the Holiday Inn in Decatur. If you are in the area, please drop by and see us.
8:45PM - 12% reporting/Hank Johnson (74%)/Cynthia McKinney (26%)
8:39PM - 8% reporting/Hank Johnson (75%)/Cynthia McKinney (25%)
8:34PM - is reporting that a McKinney staffer grabbed one of their cameramen today.
8:30PM - We are now up to 6% reporting/Hank Johnson (73%)/Cynthia McKinney (27%)
8:21PM - I am going to weigh in with my first prediction of the night. Based on what I have seen today and the apparent heavy turnout I think that we are going to see close to a 50/50 split in the south part of DeKalb with the heavy turnout on the north side of DeKalb putting Hank over the top. I am thinking that Hank may get at least 55%.
7:58PM - Another update: 4% reporting/Hank Johnson (74%)/Cynthia McKinney (26%)
7:50PM - Getting set up here at the Hank Johnson party. I am going to be joined by Andre Walker of Georgia Politics Unfiltered, Jeff Emanuel of PeachPundit, and Tom Baxter of the AJC.
7:47PM - FIRST RETURNS OF THE DAY: With 1% of the precincts reporting, Hank Johnson has 75% and Cynthia McKinney has 25%. It means nothing of course.
7:41PM - Another report: "These are Northlake-Embry Hills area precincts (Between Tucker and Chamblee). Evansdale (6:50 p.m.) Heavy turnout compared to primary: 34 percent as opposed to 20 percent in July. 600 Democratic Ballots, 87 Republican.
Johnson probably picked up an additional 250 votes out of Evansdale. It’s difficult to imagine McKinney getting even 10 percent of the vote up here.
Midvale Road -- 6:40 p.m. Similar percentages and raw numbers: 590 Democratic ballots, 90 Repub.
I haven’t checked the neighboring precincts, but these received the same amount of effort from a very dedicated group of people. (We had GOTV people working until the polls closed at Evansdale and Midvale). Expect similar numbers from Hawthorne, Henderson Middle, Embry Hills and Midvale Elementary, which were also covered by this effort.
6:48PM - Another report from the Chamblee/Brookhaven area: "Today two simple joys were rolled into one - I was able to take a walk with my son, and he helped me cast my vote against Cynthia McKinney!"
"The poll workers told me that the turnout numbers don't sound very impressive. However, the percentages are encouraging - as of 6:00 they think they had passed 20% and were aiming for a 22% turnout. Of course, almost all of the ballots were for the Democratic race. Considering that the primary race only drew 18%, I'm very encouraged by the turnout in my neighborhood."
6:46PM - Report from my friend Cancerman: "When I voted at 5:15 today, about 400 people had voted in Chamblee, 350 of them voting in the Democratic primary."
5:24PM - The famed McKinney organization is a shell of itself. I am stunned at how much more organized the Johnson campaign appears to be. I just drove out Covington Highway, down Panola Rd, and on Thompson Mill Rd. Hank appears to have an advantage on signs by 2:1 or even 3:1. I have come across a few places with Johnson supporters and McKinney supporters. Not only were there quite a few more Johnson supporters out but it almost looked like McKinney dragged some kids out of playgrounds to hold her signs.
5:02PM - Just drove down into South DeKalb. Not surprisingly, in Chamblee, Doraville, and Tucker there were about 100 Hank Johnson signs to every 1 McKinney sign. Just about 50/50 in Clarkston. However, once I drove south of Memorial Drive on S. Indian Creek Rd, there were almost no McKinney or Johnson signs. I did see some Johnson supporters near Redan and Indian Creek but there were probably more Greg Hecht signs around there. Very strange. I am wondering if people in South DeKalb are fed up with the controversy surrounding this race and are not turning out as strong. We will find out tonight. I am now on Covington Highway heading east. I'll check in again soon.
4:20PM - Here are some turnout numbers from Gwinnett County that I just received: "I just got off the phone with a lady from the Gwinnett Elections Board. She tells me about 1200 people from Gwinnett have voted in the 4CD. The total votes cast on 7/18 in Gwinnett for the 4CD was 2054 votes. Thusfar, it seems turnout is higher than expected in Gwinnett. "
4:19PM - I just received a report of intimidation against some Hank Johnson supporters this afternoon. According to my source, someone was taking pictures of Johnson supporters and their car tags. I'll provide an update when I hear more.
3:40PM - I am frustrated about not getting any reports from South Dekalb so I am going to drive down there myself and provide some updates from the road.
3:00PM - In response to complaints of voting irregularities from the McKinney campaign: “We have monitors on the ground addressing each of these issues," Kara Sinkule of the Secretary of State’s office said. "We have not had any of these allegations substantiated.”
HT: mitrebox
2:48PM - The AJC reported, "By 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, about 120 of more than 1,400 registered voters had cast ballots at the Panola precinct at St. Paul A.M.E Church in Lithonia."
2:06PM: Another update from the McKinney campaign: "At 11:00 a voter said she voted for me, but after the vote the machine displayed a vote for Hank Johnson. A Team McKinney attorney followed up with the voter and will issue a complete report."
"At noon, turnout appears to be running slightly behind that of July 18th. Translation, if this trend maintains, runoff turnout will be higher than predicted."
2:01PM: chrisishardcore reported to me earlier today: "Chamblee precinct had about 100 voters by 9:30. Probably about a 70/30 split between Dems and Republicans. This is a low turnout/population precinct."
1:48PM - The McKinney campaign is already panicking. Her website is reporting voting irregularities and intimidation of McKinney supporters. Some things are as predictable as the rising of the sun.
1:39PM - From a precinct captain: "Turnout is up from the primary at Evansdale/Midvale (only 20 percent during the primary). I’ve worked the streets for many hours over the past two weeks and the traffic is overwhelmingly pro-Hank – well above 90 percent. Hank has a lot of African American support around this area, based on responses. Hank’s Poll Workers are well organized up here . Every polling place I’ve been to has been staffed and covered. I haven’t seen a single McKinney sign in this entire area all year until today. There were some McKinney supporters with signs alongside a Johnson volunteer at Warren Technical on Chamblee Tucker. That is the first presence I’ve ever seen of her campaign."
10:30AM - Another report from a 4th District voter: "I voted at Oak Grove precinct north central DeKalb. I was number 135 at 8:30 this morning, but I did not get a break down of how may GOP or DEM ballots had been cast. Hank Johnson had supporters along Briarcliff Road and in front of Lakeside High and Oak Grove Elementary. There were large “vote today” signs along with persons holding Hank’s red signs. It looked very well organized."
10:15AM - Wow! Just voted at my polling station next to Oglethorpe University. Poll workers said that around 230 people had voted so far today and that there had been a steady stream all morning. This sounds like a stronger turnout than some were expecting.
9:12AM - Just received a report from a friend in central DeKalb that the Hank Johnson supporters near her polling place were many and appeared well organized.
9:00AM - I am heading out to go vote. I'll report back in a bit on the turnout.
8:50AM - While doing some research I have discovered that Cynthia McKinney's campaign website is down. I wonder what sort of lies are on there that they have to cover up.
12:16AM - Time to call it a night. I couldn't be more pleased with the result. Big thanks go out to all who responded to all of my email to go out and vote for Hank Johnson today. Also, a big thanks to all the other blogs that linked here and for all the great readers and commenters.
11:35PM - Received an official comment from Hank's campaign staff: "The people have spoken!"
11:32PM - Just shook Hank's hand. What a genuinely nice and classy man!
11:20PM - 98% reporting now. Hank Johnson has 59% of the vote. This is such a large margin that there cannot be an silly excuses about Republicans crossing over or other such nonsense.
10:59PM - IT'S OVER!!! We are now up to 89% reporting: Hank Johnson (58.9%)/ Cynthia McKinney (41.1%)
10:47PM - I am going to predict thank Hank Johnson ends up with somewhere between 56% and 58% of the vote. Great victory!
10:34PM - Up to 66% reporting: Hank Johnson (58%)/ Cynthia McKinney (42%). I am calling this race now. HANK JOHNSON DEFEATS CYNTHIA MCKINNEY!
10:18PM - Now up to 51% reporting: Hank Johnson (58%)/ Cynthia McKinney (42%)
10:13PM - AJC is reporting computer problems with getting the votes in from DeKalb.
9:58PM - We are now up to 35% reporting and DeKalb precincts are finally in: Hank Johnson (61%)/ Cynthia McKinney (39%)
9:52PM - Folks, here is the big story so far. I did a bit of analysis in the precincts that have reported so far. In the primary a few weeks ago, Hank Johnson received 2,194 votes in Rockdale County. This time, with only three precincts outstanding, Hank has received 4,325 votes. That is amazing. This race is going to hinge on this amazing voter turnout!
9:41PM - 18% reporting. Still nothing from DeKalb.

9:15PM - We are now at 13% reporting with the percentages still the same. However, looking at the county returns, the only precincts reporting so far have come from Gwinnett and Rockdale counties, which were expected to be won handily by Johnson. So we still have a long way to go until DeKalb County starts reporting some precincts.
8:53PM - We are starting to get a steady stream of people coming into the party here at the Holiday Inn in Decatur. If you are in the area, please drop by and see us.
8:45PM - 12% reporting/Hank Johnson (74%)/Cynthia McKinney (26%)
8:39PM - 8% reporting/Hank Johnson (75%)/Cynthia McKinney (25%)
8:34PM - is reporting that a McKinney staffer grabbed one of their cameramen today.
8:30PM - We are now up to 6% reporting/Hank Johnson (73%)/Cynthia McKinney (27%)
8:21PM - I am going to weigh in with my first prediction of the night. Based on what I have seen today and the apparent heavy turnout I think that we are going to see close to a 50/50 split in the south part of DeKalb with the heavy turnout on the north side of DeKalb putting Hank over the top. I am thinking that Hank may get at least 55%.
7:58PM - Another update: 4% reporting/Hank Johnson (74%)/Cynthia McKinney (26%)
7:50PM - Getting set up here at the Hank Johnson party. I am going to be joined by Andre Walker of Georgia Politics Unfiltered, Jeff Emanuel of PeachPundit, and Tom Baxter of the AJC.
7:47PM - FIRST RETURNS OF THE DAY: With 1% of the precincts reporting, Hank Johnson has 75% and Cynthia McKinney has 25%. It means nothing of course.
7:41PM - Another report: "These are Northlake-Embry Hills area precincts (Between Tucker and Chamblee). Evansdale (6:50 p.m.) Heavy turnout compared to primary: 34 percent as opposed to 20 percent in July. 600 Democratic Ballots, 87 Republican.
Johnson probably picked up an additional 250 votes out of Evansdale. It’s difficult to imagine McKinney getting even 10 percent of the vote up here.
Midvale Road -- 6:40 p.m. Similar percentages and raw numbers: 590 Democratic ballots, 90 Repub.
I haven’t checked the neighboring precincts, but these received the same amount of effort from a very dedicated group of people. (We had GOTV people working until the polls closed at Evansdale and Midvale). Expect similar numbers from Hawthorne, Henderson Middle, Embry Hills and Midvale Elementary, which were also covered by this effort.
6:48PM - Another report from the Chamblee/Brookhaven area: "Today two simple joys were rolled into one - I was able to take a walk with my son, and he helped me cast my vote against Cynthia McKinney!"
"The poll workers told me that the turnout numbers don't sound very impressive. However, the percentages are encouraging - as of 6:00 they think they had passed 20% and were aiming for a 22% turnout. Of course, almost all of the ballots were for the Democratic race. Considering that the primary race only drew 18%, I'm very encouraged by the turnout in my neighborhood."
6:46PM - Report from my friend Cancerman: "When I voted at 5:15 today, about 400 people had voted in Chamblee, 350 of them voting in the Democratic primary."
5:24PM - The famed McKinney organization is a shell of itself. I am stunned at how much more organized the Johnson campaign appears to be. I just drove out Covington Highway, down Panola Rd, and on Thompson Mill Rd. Hank appears to have an advantage on signs by 2:1 or even 3:1. I have come across a few places with Johnson supporters and McKinney supporters. Not only were there quite a few more Johnson supporters out but it almost looked like McKinney dragged some kids out of playgrounds to hold her signs.
5:02PM - Just drove down into South DeKalb. Not surprisingly, in Chamblee, Doraville, and Tucker there were about 100 Hank Johnson signs to every 1 McKinney sign. Just about 50/50 in Clarkston. However, once I drove south of Memorial Drive on S. Indian Creek Rd, there were almost no McKinney or Johnson signs. I did see some Johnson supporters near Redan and Indian Creek but there were probably more Greg Hecht signs around there. Very strange. I am wondering if people in South DeKalb are fed up with the controversy surrounding this race and are not turning out as strong. We will find out tonight. I am now on Covington Highway heading east. I'll check in again soon.
4:20PM - Here are some turnout numbers from Gwinnett County that I just received: "I just got off the phone with a lady from the Gwinnett Elections Board. She tells me about 1200 people from Gwinnett have voted in the 4CD. The total votes cast on 7/18 in Gwinnett for the 4CD was 2054 votes. Thusfar, it seems turnout is higher than expected in Gwinnett. "
4:19PM - I just received a report of intimidation against some Hank Johnson supporters this afternoon. According to my source, someone was taking pictures of Johnson supporters and their car tags. I'll provide an update when I hear more.
3:40PM - I am frustrated about not getting any reports from South Dekalb so I am going to drive down there myself and provide some updates from the road.
3:00PM - In response to complaints of voting irregularities from the McKinney campaign: “We have monitors on the ground addressing each of these issues," Kara Sinkule of the Secretary of State’s office said. "We have not had any of these allegations substantiated.”
HT: mitrebox
2:48PM - The AJC reported, "By 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, about 120 of more than 1,400 registered voters had cast ballots at the Panola precinct at St. Paul A.M.E Church in Lithonia."
2:06PM: Another update from the McKinney campaign: "At 11:00 a voter said she voted for me, but after the vote the machine displayed a vote for Hank Johnson. A Team McKinney attorney followed up with the voter and will issue a complete report."
"At noon, turnout appears to be running slightly behind that of July 18th. Translation, if this trend maintains, runoff turnout will be higher than predicted."
2:01PM: chrisishardcore reported to me earlier today: "Chamblee precinct had about 100 voters by 9:30. Probably about a 70/30 split between Dems and Republicans. This is a low turnout/population precinct."
1:48PM - The McKinney campaign is already panicking. Her website is reporting voting irregularities and intimidation of McKinney supporters. Some things are as predictable as the rising of the sun.
1:39PM - From a precinct captain: "Turnout is up from the primary at Evansdale/Midvale (only 20 percent during the primary). I’ve worked the streets for many hours over the past two weeks and the traffic is overwhelmingly pro-Hank – well above 90 percent. Hank has a lot of African American support around this area, based on responses. Hank’s Poll Workers are well organized up here . Every polling place I’ve been to has been staffed and covered. I haven’t seen a single McKinney sign in this entire area all year until today. There were some McKinney supporters with signs alongside a Johnson volunteer at Warren Technical on Chamblee Tucker. That is the first presence I’ve ever seen of her campaign."
10:30AM - Another report from a 4th District voter: "I voted at Oak Grove precinct north central DeKalb. I was number 135 at 8:30 this morning, but I did not get a break down of how may GOP or DEM ballots had been cast. Hank Johnson had supporters along Briarcliff Road and in front of Lakeside High and Oak Grove Elementary. There were large “vote today” signs along with persons holding Hank’s red signs. It looked very well organized."
10:15AM - Wow! Just voted at my polling station next to Oglethorpe University. Poll workers said that around 230 people had voted so far today and that there had been a steady stream all morning. This sounds like a stronger turnout than some were expecting.
9:12AM - Just received a report from a friend in central DeKalb that the Hank Johnson supporters near her polling place were many and appeared well organized.
9:00AM - I am heading out to go vote. I'll report back in a bit on the turnout.
8:50AM - While doing some research I have discovered that Cynthia McKinney's campaign website is down. I wonder what sort of lies are on there that they have to cover up.
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