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Thursday, September 01, 2005

Help wanted: Temporary housing for Hurricane Katrina victims

I'm sure that many people are wondering what they can do to help those in need in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama that have been made homeless from the hurricane. There will obviously be much financial aid that goes to these areas but there are some more immediate needs.

The first thing that has come to my mind is shelter for those people with no place to go. There are going to be many people that do not have family nearby to stay with that cannot stay in hotels indefinitely. This is a perfect opportunity for the body of Christ to come together to provide hope for those in need. Rob Wilkerson has made a similar call at Adrian Warnock's blog.

I would like to call upon churches in the surrounding states to considering opening up their facilities or coordinating housing through parishoners. We will be coordinating through my own denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). A disaster relief page has been set up on their website for updates and we will be working with Ron and Judy Haynes.

I would encourage other denominations to do something similar. I will post housing opportunities from all churches, not just PCA churches.

Update: We have created a new automated site at for all who are willing to provide temporary housing for victims of Hurricane Katrina. I am blown away by the generosity of those who have volunteered at this blog already. Rest assured, we have entered your information into the new system and you will be contacted soon. For more on this development, read my newest post here.